The first 3 images are from class.
2 minute warm ups, 4B pencil on A2 newsprint
Drawing Group, both drawings below were made without a preliminary pencil sketch
A2 bamboo pen indian ink, 25 minutes
Random bits of the everyday. I am hoping that this blog will encourage me to pursue and develop my drawing and painting.
I also made a quick pen and wash sketch of the cottage in the little guest book.
We also sampled plenty of the local coffee and I squeezed in a couple of pen sketches. This was the first time I have sketched people (or bottles) in public.
After we returned I had a chance to do this pen and ink wash of Coles Bay from a photo. The rocky peaks are called The Hazards. This was my first attempt at this media and I am interested in pursuing it further.
On the way home I made a few quick pen sketches of my son Start reading a comic. He kept changing position every minute or so.