Monday, 12 November 2007

Classical Drawing Group

I have joined a recently formed Yahoo Group that focuses on Classical Figure Drawing. The first group project is to draw some feet. I chose to copy a drawing by the German Renaissance painter & engraver Albrecht Dürer (1471 - 1528), titled Feet Of A Kneeling Man. I found this image on the excellent Art Renewal Center.

Saturday, 28 July 2007

Life Drawing W/E 27/07/07

I am doing a life drawing class on Wednesday and occasionally I also get to a group that draws for two hours in the gallery above our local library.

The first 3 images are from class.

2 minute warm ups, 4B pencil on A2 newsprint

A2 cartridge paper, 4B woodless graphite pencil, 25 minutes

A2 cartridge paper, 4B woodless graphite pencil, 25 minutes
Drawing Group, both drawings below were made without a preliminary pencil sketch

A2 bamboo pen indian ink, 25 minutes

A4 Copic Multiliner 0.3mm, 20 minutes

Tuesday, 24 July 2007


My wife and I had a great holiday break in Tasmania earlier this month. Good food and amazing scenery. I even managed a little sketching.

We stayed in a great little cottage in the pretty seaside village of Swansea.

I also made a quick pen and wash sketch of the cottage in the little guest book.

We also sampled plenty of the local coffee and I squeezed in a couple of pen sketches. This was the first time I have sketched people (or bottles) in public.

I visited Hobart Art Gallery and made this 30 minute pencil sketch of a statue.

After we returned I had a chance to do this pen and ink wash of Coles Bay from a photo. The rocky peaks are called The Hazards. This was my first attempt at this media and I am interested in pursuing it further.

On the way home I made a few quick pen sketches of my son Start reading a comic. He kept changing position every minute or so.

Sunday, 1 July 2007

EDM #76 Draw some flowers

I've always had a soft spot of thistles (excuse the pun). My much loved grandfather emigrated to Australia from Scotland as a young man. I have always identified with my Scottish heritage and so was enthralled, as a schoolboy, with the tale of how the thistle became the national emblem of Scotland.

You probably know the yarn already, but, just in case, the story goes that a Viking raiding party was trying to effect a surprise attack on a group of Scottish fighting men who were resting in a field one night. In the interest of stealth the Norsemen had removed their boots. When they stumbled onto a patch of thistles their cries warned the Scot's who went on to defeat them. To this day the thistle is the universal symbol of Scotland

EDM #124 Draw something yellow

This a view back to my local town, Tamworth. I always meant to exaggerate the colours but it's not really the effect I was hoping for but I guess you you need to have warts and all. The only thing I was vaguely happy with has the sky which was a fair representation.

EDM #125 Draw a bird

Thanks everyone for the great encouragement on my first two posts. I meant to post regularly but in reality it looks like, at best, I will be an erratic blogger!

This is a drawing of a black and white Australian Magpie from our backyard this morning. There are 4 or 5 of these in our yard every day and they dominate the other birds. These are one of the most common and widespread birds in Australia. We live in a rural area and our house is surrounded by a pocket of bushland so we get a wide range of birds including some very attractive and interesting ones. Most are very difficult to draw as they flit in and out again.

As with all the ink drawings I have posted (except the baby) I have not made a preliminary pencil sketch - just jumped in and hoped for the best. This adds a little spice to the process and keeps it all pretty loose.

Tuesday, 19 June 2007

My first Everyday Matters (EDM #123) - Draw a bell

I have just joined a Yahoo group called Everyday Matters . Sometimes I prefer to think of it as Every day Matters.

I am still working out what it's all about but if I get the gist it is a community of people who enjoy drawing. They often maintain sketch diaries or illustrated journals that record everyday images from their lives. Many also post their drawings to Blogs such as this.

Some also participate in various drawing challenges, including the weekly challenge which involves drawing on a particularly subject or theme. Thus this is EDM #123.

My wife bought this lovely little bell in Brisbane a couple of years ago. As a teacher, she sometimes has used it to to bring a class of small rioters to heel.

Like the previous post it was drawn with a fine, water fast, felt tip pen and coloured with watercolour wash. These represent a couple of my first ever attempts at this media.

Thursday, 14 June 2007

A Birthday Drawing

Recently we helped a good friend Kim celebrate her birthday. As a gift I made a small pen and wash of her new daughter from a photo I took back in March.